Friday, January 9, 2015

Hooray For Benign Tumor

Yay cancer free!!! Well my breast are anyways, still have to get my pituitary gland checked out but I will cross that bridge when I get there. Well that's it as far as I am concerned... this will be a short post because what I have to say next is so extreme so out of this world crazy that putting it with this post doesn't even make sense. I am going to take you all back to the beginning of my husbands troubles and struggles to be a father to the only son he will ever have. A precious boy we love with all our hearts and the monsters who do everything humanly possible to keep him from being with us while simultaneously pretending that they are victims that don't know why my husband has shunned them so. But before I get into his hard times I endure with him I need a post for myself.  When breast cancer was wished on me (plus death from it) I was also called a bad mother.  Which I call bullshit. So stay tuned because this next post will be pure ranting lol. Be warned because I need it.

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