Tuesday, September 29, 2015

How to be a better parent

1. Stop putting Dick before your kids.
2. Feed your kids.
3. Bathe your kids.
4. Don't allow drug addicts/dealers to babysit your kids.
5. If your baby daddy wants to be in your child/rens life/lives let him and use that as your down time which leads me to number
6. Don't lock your kids up in a room to substitute for a babysitter
7. Don't leave human feces on your floor.
8. Don't date physically abusive men.
9. Don't lie.
10.Don't lose your kids to foster care.
11. Don't try to kill yourself home alone with your kids.
12. Don't have an IQ below 100.
13. Don't be in a 2 year college for 4 years 2 months to be a DJ...which brings us to number
14. Get a real fucking job.
15. Don't use child support to join pyramid schemes..see number 14.
16. Don't have any more children if you can not or have not followed these rules and immediately sign your children over to their father because you will surely ruin your kids lives if you don't because you are an embarrassment, an idiot, and a whore.
PS, you should have no more than 1 boyfriend every 2 years not weeks slut, and stop moving them in with your kids are you running a fucking youth hostel?!?!

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