Saturday, May 10, 2014

Working Hard Is Hardly Working

I imagine if a screenwriter from a soap opera were to follow my life for the past four years I would have ratings through the roof. Even back further then that, I seem to be a magnet for drama. Dealing with a corrupt government agency through no fault of my own is driving meto my boiling point. I have ddefinitely been steaming for months.  Apparently being a great parent means nothing if a bad parent says you aren't.  These past few months have been filled with the most outrageous lies I have ever heard and I admit to being amused when the truth has gradually come out but sadly it matters not. On to myself I ruined my college career like an idiot. I wish I could go back eight years and slap myself silly screaming, "take this seriously you idiot you can't just go back!" I have been naive and now I must fight for the life my miracles deserve. I know its cryptic but between my blog my novel my kids my husband and my clash of clans I am swamped. Gotta go oatmeal and apples need to be mixed abd sneezed onto my forehead. Bye!