Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Miracles Happen

Its been 3 years since my last blog and I must say I got a miracle. I reread my only post and it was as if a stranger wrote it. My big idiot has become my loving husband.  There was a point where we were single and pregnant for a month and a half. But we came together. Made it work,  had not one but two perfect little girls whom I adore and now we will soon get custody of the son I will never deliver because I got sterilized.  He is beautiful and looks surprisingly like our daughters and I love him with all my heart. His birth mother a monster and his father a rogue angel I feel as though I live in this twisted soap opera filled with baby mama dearest lies deceit and abuse. If I wrote an autobiography I would be accused of passing off fiction for truth. It's been a mind-bendingly surreal experience.  However like I said previously I received my miracle. I am soon to become a working mother of three. As I get my girls ready to make the long drive to visit their brother in foster care, I realize our life as a family is soon to change for the better and I believe truly that this is the miracle I've been expecting.